
2nd day in NY.
I tried to walk around downtown without map. went to SOHO, Nolita, Tribeca, WTC, and more. but, I didn't know there is in that time.
Because, I don't like bring map.I don't like to be looked like visiter. I wanted to be like New Yorker. Maybe, I successed to do that. Many people asked me way who included local people!  haha
anyway, I have a friend who is 4th generation Japanese American live in Tokyo. I remembered her today.
She have lived Japan since this spring.  but, she still don't understand subway line in Tokyo. that is so complicated. she  use map every time when she use the subway. 
subway in NY is easier than subway in Tokyo. but, it is complicated too. and, this is my first time NY. then, I confused about the subway like her in Tokyo too.

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